Responding to Covid – Home Base Care training

Responding to Covid – Home Base Care training


Since we all know that the covid 19 pandemic has impacted a great number of people, like any other organization, we have also responded to the covid 19 pandemic. However, while we were introduced to the Home Base Care covid response initiative by the Delhi Solidarity Group, we also realized that we must prepare ourselves and our communities for a more comprehensive approach to home care and guidance to ensure the wellbeing of our families. Due to this, we organized two virtual training sessions with the assistance and expertise of the Delhi Solidarity Group on home base care with Government and non-Government stakeholders, such as Child Care Institutions, NGOs, Counsellors, and newly created Covid 19 committees within the state and from other parts of India.

To ensure that our communities also receive this important information, we enhanced the capacity of our youth members, women, and health workers on Home Base Care in order to prepare them as warriors in preventing the spread of Covid 19 and battling it. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic and the ongoing lockdown, we utilized the social media and created separate Whatsapp groups for all of our participants and we exchanged learning materials. After the training, protective gear was distributed to our participants in the communities.

Additionally, we initiated the translation of the “Covid Home Base Care Guide” document into the Khasi language so that the community members could understand it easier.

Date: May 27, 2021
Duration: 1 Day