
Faith Foundation, CMCY take part in ultimate Frisbee

Faith Foundation and Chief Minister’s Youth Centre along with India Ultimate celebrated National Sports Day today with a friendly ultimate frisbee match at Umktieh village in Ri Bhoi district.

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Faith Foundation’s nature of work and excellence.

Marking its 10th anniversary along with its most recent accolade, Esha Chaudhuri reports on the Faith Foundation’s nature of work and excellence.

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In Faith, we Trust

Marking its 10th anniversary along with its most recent accolade, Esha Chaudhuri reports on the Faith Foundation’s nature of work and excellence.

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NGO challenges society to talk about child sexual abuse

While India has made progress in certain aspects of combating child sexual abuse – with special courts, stronger laws, child protection agencies, etc – one area where the country, and this includes Meghalaya…

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We uplift each other

The eye-catching handprints of 140 children on a canvas has been lying around since November last year, lighting up the office of the Faith Foundation at Mawkhar in the city…

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Act of Faith

In 2013, four women came together to address the issue of sexual abuse among children and child rights violations in the state. It was a leap of faith as none before them had delved into this critical …

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Educate girls, boys on sexual abuse

SDGs have this clarion call – ‘no one left behind’ and so far what I have seen is that it has been limited to NGOs or organisations or local government structures which are expected …

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Villagers keep their village safe

A sunny, winter morning in Dec 2021… a tiny, remote village which I visited with the Faith Foundation team. Umsawriang Village is inhabited primarily by Khasis, an indigenous …

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PSEP in schools

The inauguration of piloting Personal Safety Education Programme (PSEP) in schools which is a school-based curriculum that empowers children to participate …

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My experience of SALT

It was a very inspiring videos listening to their talks on appreciation.Through my experience of SALT that was conducted with our team by Rituu B Nanda and also …

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SALT Approach

The SALT approach is a mental attitudinal technique applied for the participatory evaluation process which helps in defining the collective consciousness for the necessary …

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Root of community needs

With the help of Indigenous communities in Meghalaya, India, Faith Foundation is reconnecting with the linguistic and cultural fabric of this region …

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Safety initiative against child abuse

“Come sit on my lap”, said her uncle. But she was uncomfortable. Years passed by with memories deeply suppressed, until one day the adult realised …

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Teach children on unsafe touch

MLCU Academics Office in collaboration with Faith Foundation conducted a workshop on “Child Protection and Safety” on the 1st and 2nd of July 2019 in the University’s premises …

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Rise in crime against children

The crime against children in the State is alarming with a total number of 1349 cases being reported in the past four years This was revealed by the SP ….

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PRA or the participatory rural appraisal is a technique deployed by people especially those working with development agencies, Non-Government organizations or education practitioners to incorporate viewpoints of the rural communities that they choose to work with.

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